Saturday, December 28, 2013

Tinker Item Build

Dota Hero Item Build Boush (Tinker). Tinker is a very dangerous hero in the early until late game. It has a pure damage that can make an enemy into miss. Nuke skill very dangerous is Laser and Heat Seeking Missile. Missile is very effective to attack two heroes at once. Tinker becomes very dangerous when it took Rearm skill. The skill is able to refresh the cooldown of the skill that has been used. Tinker in the early game is very easy to get first blood. Items that are needed are not too much so Tinker very easy to use.

Dota Hero Item Build Boush (Tinker)

Boush Hero Statistic
tinker item build
Name: Boush
Affiliation: INT Neutral
Strength: 17 + 2
Agility: 13 + 1.2
Intelligence: 27 + 2.2
Damage: 49 - 55
Armor: 3
HP: 473
HP Regen: 0.76
Mana: 351
Mana Regen: 1.09
Move Speed: 305
Range: 500 (ranged)
Attack Time: 1.7 (+13%)
Missile Speed: 900
Sight Range: 1800/800

Skill Build for Boush
1. Laser
2. Heat Seeking Missile
3. Laser
4. Heat Seeking Missile
5. Laser
6. Heat Seeking Missile
7. Laser
8. Heat Seeking Missile
9. Rearm
10 March
11. Rearm
12. March
13. March
14. Stats
15. Rearm
16. Rearm
17–25. Stats

Early Game Item Build
Empty Bottle Soul Ring Boots of Travel
Empty Bottle - Soul Ring - Boots of Travel

Empty Bottle is an item that can be used for HP and Mana regen. Soul Ring gives HP Regen and Mana. Boots of Travel is a core item for the Tinker. With these items, Tinker can return to the fountain to replenish Mana and back to the line again to push and help your team.

Middle Game Item Build

To make it easier to kill the enemy, Tinker need disable. Matching item is Guinsoo. These items can increase your Mana so that Tinker can use the skill easily. This item can be used to hex the enemy that has a blink and a high movement speed.

Late Game Item Build
Shiva’s Guard
Shiva’s Guard

Matching item in the late game to Tinker is Shiva's Guard. These items are able to make the enemy be slow so that you and the team will be easier to kill the enemy.

Luxury Item Build
  • Kelen’s Dagger – can be used to chase the enemy who was out of the range of Laser and Missile skill.
  • Dagon – Dagon Level 5 gives a huge damage. Tinker can use it two times, because it has a Rearm skill.
  • Manta Style – This item is able to make images so that the enemy will be confused when the fight.

How to Play Boush

Tinker is an intelligence hero with 4 active skills. It was classified as a dangerous hero throughout the game. Combo skill is very dangerous because the Tinker able to stop the cooldown of skills and items that have been used. How to use the Tinker is as follows.

Look for an enemy who has little HP and armor. Attack using the combo Laser + Missile and also normal attack. If HP enemies below the half, use Combo Laser + Missile to kill him. If you already have Boots of Travel item, push lane by using the skills that you have. If you run out of Mana, do teleport to the Fountain to replenish HP and Mana then use rearm to refresh the cooldown. At that time, did teleport to lane and do Push or Gank. Do same thing, when it runs out of Mana. If the fight 2 enemies at once, you can use Combo Missile - rearm - Missile.

Combo Skills:
Laser – Missile – Rearm – Laser - Missile

Friday, December 27, 2013

Rhasta Item Build

Dota Hero Item Build Rhasta (Shadow Shaman). Rhasta is a disabler, all designed to disable enemy skill. One of the characteristics of Rhasta is Mass Serpent Ward skill. This skill shaped 8 snake that can attack simultaneously. If the enemy is trapped there certainly be die. Skill is also suitable to destroy enemy Tower quickly. When using Rhasta, it takes a little practice to confine the enemy to the right.

Dota Hero Item Build Rhasta (Shadow Shaman)

Rhasta Hero Statistic
rhasta item build
Name: Rhasta
Affiliation: INT Sentinel 2
Strength: 19 + 1.6
Agility: 16 + 1.6
Intelligence: 21 + 3
HP: 511
HP Regen: 0.82
Mana: 273
Mana Regen: 0.85
Damage: 42 + 49
Armor: 1.3
Move Speed: 285
Range: 500
Attack Speed: 0. 68
Missile Speed: 900
Sight Range: 1800/800

Skill Build for Rhasta
1. Shackles
2. Voodoo
3. Shackles
4. Voodoo
5. Shackles
6. Mass Serpent Wards
7. Shackles
8. Voodoo
9. Voodoo
10. Ether Shock
11. Mass Serpent Wards
12. Ether Shock
13. Ether Shock
14. Ether Shock
15. Attribute Bonus
16. Mass Serpent Wards
17 - 25. Stats

Early Game Item Build
Boots of Speed Void Stone
Boots of Speed - Void Stone

Boots of Speed gives extra movement speed so Rhasta can move faster. Void Stone is an item that gives Mana Regen so Rhasta can use the skill more often.

Middle Game Item Build
Eul Scepter of Divinity Archane Boots
Eul Scepter of Divinity - Archane Boots

Items you should have quickly is Eul Scepter. Items which are part of the first core Rhasta. Eul Scepter serves to facilitate the use of the Mass Serpent Wards skill. In addition, this item also adds mana regen. Upgrade Boots of Speed into Archane Boots to add Mana.

Late Game Item Build
Guinsoo Schyte of Vyse
Guinsoo Schyte of Vyse

Guinsoo is that must be owned item in the late game. This item gives Mana regen very much so Rhasta will not lack Mana to use the skill. In addition, Guinsoo can be used to disable enemy so will disable the longer duration and the enemy will not be against you.

Luxury Item Build
  • Black King Bar – Rhasta is a hero that is so weak that it will often be the target of the enemy. Black King Bar is an item that can be used for defense for Rhasta.
  • Aghanim’s Scepter – This item increases the damage of Mass Serpent Wards.
  • Necronomicon – This item adds movement speed and can also be used to detect the invisible hero. Unit can be used to attack enemies affected disabled and trapped in the Mass Serpent Wards skill.

How to Play Rhasta

Rhasta is formidable disabler hero. If the enemy is trapped within the skill then it is very difficult to escape. Playing with Rhasta, I think is very exciting because there is a beautiful art. How to use Rhasta is as follows.

First look for a melee hero who has little armor and HP. Use Eul's Scepter to blow away the enemy and when the enemy exposed Cyclone pairs of Mass Serpent Wards right below. When the duration of the cyclone have been exhausted then the enemy will be trapped in the middle of your snake and brackets using Shackles to tie it. If the duration has run out use Voodoo to disable. If the duration of Voodoo has been exhausted, then disable use Guinsoo. If the duration of the three skill Rhasta has been exhausted and the enemy is not dead, use Ether Shock to kill him.

Combo Skills:
Eul Scepter – Mass Serpent Wards – Shackles – Voodoo – Guinsoo – Ether Shock

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Windrunner Item Build

Dota Hero Item Build Alleria (Windrunner). Alleria is an intelligence hero but has good potential ganking. It suited to ganking because it has a stun skill and high attack speed. Combo skills has great damage so in the early game, he was able to get a first blood. Skill nuke that has a big damage is Powershots. Alleria will become a hero very great if in the build correctly.

Dota Hero Item Build Alleria (Windrunner)

Windrunner Hero Statistic
windrunner item build
Name: Alleria
Affiliation: INT Sentinel
Strength: 15 + 2.5
Agility: 17 + 1.4
Intelligence: 22 + 2.6
HP: 435
HP Regen: 0.7
Mana: 286
Mana Regen: 0.89
Damage: 44 - 56
Armor: 1.4
Move Speed: 295
Attack Range: 600
Attack Speed: 0.78
Missile Speed: 1250
Sight Range: 1800 / 800

Skill Build for Windrunner
1. Shackleshot
2. Windrunner
3. Powershot
4. Powershot
5. Powershot
6. Shackleshot
7. Powershot
8. Shackleshot
9. Shackleshot
10. Focus Fire
11. Focus Fire
12. Windrunner
13. Windrunner
14. Windrunner
15. Stats
16. Focus Fire
17-25. Stats

Early Game Item Build
Magic Wand Empty Bottle Boots of Speed
Magic Wand - Empty Bottle - Boots of Speed

Magic Wand is an item in early game you need as a Mana and HP regen. Empty Bottle is also an item that can be used for Mana and HP regen. If discharged, it can be filled with Power Up. Boots of Speed adds movement speed so it can move faster in the lane.

Middle Game Item Build
Blade Mail Phase Boots
Blade Mail - Phase Boots

Blade Mail is item at bargain prices that can increase damage and useful for "protection" from enemy attack. Upgrade Boots of Speed into Phase Boots that give extra damage and can also be used to pursue the enemy. With this item Alleria Windrunner can use without obstruction by the creeps.

Late Game Item Build
Orchid Malevolence
Orchid Malevolence

This item is suitable for Alleria in the late game. This item dealing damage, attack speed and also cover Mana, so Alleria can freely use the skill. This item can also be used to silence the enemy that can’t use the spell.

Luxury Item Build

  • Aghanim’s Scepter – This item can shorten cooldown the Focus Fire skill.
  • Guinsoo Schyte of Vyse – This item can used to disable the enemy, so Alleria can more easily to maximize Focus Fire.
  • Force Staff – This item can help chase the enemy and get more punch.

How to Play Windrunner

Windrunner is an intelligence hero, who also has great potential kill in game. So it should be in the build correctly in order to become a formidable hero. How to use Windrunner is as a follows.

First, look for a target that has a thin HP and armor. Use skill Shackleshot appropriately so you will get the maximum stun duration. Enable Focus Fire and attack the enemy until the time will run out. At that time approached and use Windrunner is slow to make enemies and attack again. If the enemy is not dead, use the Powershot to end it.

Combo Skills:
Shackleshot – Focus Fire – Windrunner - Powershot

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Razor Item Build

Dota Hero Item Build Razor (Lightning Revenant).  Razor is Agility hero who has a role as carry. It has 3 active skills are very dangerous to fight enemies. The skill works for defense and attack so Razor is a difficult hero killed in the late game. Eye of the Storm is a skill that can attack enemies that have the least amount of HP. Razor has a very fast attack speed so as to smooth out the enemy quickly.

Dota Hero Item Build Razor (Lightning Revenant)

Razor Hero Statistic
Razor Item Build
Name: Razor
Special name: Gilette
Affiliation: Agility (Neutral)
Strength: 21 + 1.7
Agility: 22 + 2.0
Intelligence: 19 + 1.8
Damage: 45 - 47
Armor: 2.1
HP: 473
Mana: 182
Move Speed: 295
Range: 550 (ranged)
Attack Time: 1.39 (+22%)

Skill Build for Razor
1. Plasma Field
2. Static link
3. Plasma Field
4. Plasma Field
5. Unstabble current
6. Eye of The storm
7. Plasma Field
8. Static link
9. Unstabble current
10. Unstabble Current
11. Eye of The storm
12. Static Link
13. Unstable Current
14. Static Link
15. Bonus Stats
16. Eye of the Storm
17-25. Stats

Early Game Item Build
Ring of Aquila Phase Boots
Ring of Aquila - Phase Boots

Razor has active skills that have large damage in the early game item that matches are Ring of Aquila. These items provide Mana regen and add stats in the early game. The most suitable shoes for Razor is Phase Boots. The shoe can be used to chase the enemy, so Razor can use Static Link and Eye of the Storm skills. In addition, Phase Boots add Damage, so Razor will be more painful punch.

Middle Game Item Build
Vanguard Helm of Dominator
Vanguard - Helm of Dominator

Razor has a HP is very thin so it is not uncommon Razor became the target by the enemy in the early and middle game. To overcome this, Vanguard is an item that can be purchased to cover the shortfall Razor. These items can block damage from enemy attacks and also increase your HP Regen. If the enemy has a lot of the magic spell, you can replace the Vanguard into Hood of Deviance. Razor including hero who has the second highest attack speed after the kardel. The potential would be better if Razor brings Helm of Dominator. The items are capable of providing lifesteal on every attack Razor. Helm of the Dominator can also add armor so the razor will be stronger when the fight against the enemy.

Late Game Item Build
Stygian Desolator Satanic
Stygian Desolator - Satanic

in the late game, items suitable for Razor is Stygian Desolator. These items add to the great damage and also can reduce enemy armor so Razor can kill enemies faster. Upgrade Helm of the Dominator into Satanic so you will get damage and lifesteal are very big.

Luxury Items
  • Radiance – Razor always near the enemies so that you are suitable to use Radiace to attack enemies.
  • Aghanim’s Scepter – These items can improve your ulti additionally, if Razor has Aghanim's Scepter the Eye of the Storm skill can attack the building.
  • Sange and Yasha – This item adds movement speed, damage and generate slow so Razor can more freely attack the enemy.
  • The Butterfly – This item gives attack speed and damage so all your attacks will be more harmful to the enemy. With this item, you will have the Evasion so enemy attack will more often suffer miss.

How to Play Razor

Razor is a hero who has the attack speed and outstanding defense. Now it's late game and you already have all the items you need. To fight the enemies using Razor is as follows.

First, let one of your friends unlock war. Then, use the Static Link skill to enemies that has the least amount of HP. Enable Eye of the Storm skill and closer towards enemies so that everything will hit you. Lastly, use the Plasma Field skill to end it. If all items are complete, Razor is not difficult to get Godlike.

Combo Skill:
Statis Link – Eye of the Storm – Plasma Field

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Silencer Item Build

Dota Hero Item Build Nortrom (Silencer). Nortrom is a hero who has a role as a support hero. To support the team, it was given a skill that can make enemies into silence. It includes support hero who has the skill silence best in DotA. Silence skill is it’s global so as to make enemies in the whole map exposed silence. Nortrom have a good attack speed and also punches capable of producing pure damage. Although support hero, but nortrom also has good potential in late game if build correctly.

Dota Hero Item Build Nortrom (Silencer)

Nortrom Hero Statistic
silencer item build
Name: Nortrom
Affiliation: INT Sentinel
Strength: 17 + 2.2
Agility: 16 + 2.1
Intelligence: 27 + 2.5
HP: 473
HP Regen: 0.76
Mana: 273
Mana Regen: 0.85
Damage: 37 - 51
Armor: 1.3
Move Speed: 290
Attack Range: 600
Attack Animation: 0.5 / 0.5
Missile Speed: 1000
Sight Range: 1800 / 800

Skill Build for Nortrom
1. Glaives of Wisdom
2. Stats
3. Glaives of Wisdom
4. Stats
5. Glaives of Wisdom
6. Global Silence
7. Glaives of Wisdom
8. Last Word
9. Last Word
10. Last Word
11. Global Silence
12. Last Word
13. Stats
14. Stats
15. Stats
16. Global Silence
17-21. Stats
22-25. Curse of the Silent

Early Game Item Build
Null Talisman Boots of Speed
Null Talisman - Boots of Speed

Nortrom has a skill that damage is coming from INT stats so that in the early game you can buy Null Talisman item. These items provide supplemental Stats especially for INT. This inexpensive item is well suited to increase the damage in the early game and used to last hit creeps and attack the enemy. Buy Boots of Speed to increase the movement speed so Nortrom can move more freely in the lane.

Middle Game Item Build
Urn of Shadow Power Threads Rod of Atos
Urn of Shadow - Power Threads - Rod of Atos

Inexpensive items that can used to regen HP and Mana that is Urn of Shadow. This item can provide HP regen at low prices. Upgrade Boots of Speed into Power Threads to increase attack speed, movement speed. Rod of Atos is an item that gives INT to add damage from Glaives skills.

Late Game Item Build
Linken Sphere Orchid Malevolence
Linken Sphere - Orchid Malevolence

In the Late Game you can buy Linken Sphere to ward off enemy attacks and add to your stats. Orchid gives attack speed and Mana regen that much so you can quickly attack the enemy with great damage from Glaives skill.

Luxury Item Build
  • Guinsoo Schyte of Vyse – If you need to disable and Mana are abundant, buy these items in the late game.
  • Shiva’s Guard – is a luxury item that suitable for nortrom. These items add INT, armor and also produce slow effects to destroy enemy defenses.
  • Kelen’s Dagger – serves to reach out to the enemy to get into the area Last Word.
  • Monkey King Bar – Adding damage and serves to counter the enemy has evasion.

How to Play Nortrom

Nortrom is a support hero but if build correctly it has the potential killer in the late game. One of the skills that made him very dangerous in the late game is Glaives of Wisdom skill. Skill is able to produce pure damage taken from nortrom INT stat. How to use nortrom is as follows.

First, wait until all your team prepares for war. If one team you want to open war use Global skill silence to make the enemy exposed silence. At that moment attacking an enemy that has the least amount of HP using Glaives of Wisdom and Curve of the Silent skill until the enemy dies, if you attack an enemy out of range, use Kelen's Dagger to pursue and kill him.

Combo Skills:
Global silence – Glaives of Wisdom – Curse of the Silent

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Lina Inverse Item Build

Dota Hero Item Build Lina Inverse (Slayer). Lina is an intelligence hero who has a deadly nuke skill. It was able to kill enemies with combo skills they have. Laguna Blade is the ultimate Lina most dangerous. The skill is resulting in huge damage, especially if coupled with Aghanim's Scepter. In the early game Lina is very easy to get First Blood with skill. Lina Disadvantages movement speed is very low.

Dota Hero Item Build Lina Inverse (Slayer)

Lina Inverse Hero Statistic
Lina Inverse Item Build
Name: Lina Inverse
Affiliation: INT Sentinel 1
Strength: 18 + 1.5
Agility: 16 + 1.5
Intelligence: 27 + 3.2
HP: 492
HP Regen: 0.79
Mana: 312
Mana Regen: 0.97
Damage: 37 - 55
Armor: 1.3
Attack Range: 635
Attack Speed: 0.68
Attack Animation: 0.75 / 0.78
Missile Speed: 900
Move Speed: 295
Sight Range: 1800 / 800

Skill Build for Lina Inverse
1. Light Strike Array
2. Dragon Slave
3. Dragon Slave
4. Light Strike Array
5. Dragon Slave
6. Laguna Blade
7. Dragon Slave
8. Light Strike Array
9. Light Strike Array
10. Fiery Soul
11. Laguna Blade
12. Fiery Soul
13. Fiery Soul
14. Fiery Soul
15. Stats
16. Laguna Blade
17-25. Stats

Early Game Item Build
Magic Wand Arcane Boots
Magic Wand - Arcane Boots

Lina has a powerful skill in the early game stats but very slightly. Items that are suitable to cover this is Magic Wand. These items can adds the whole stats in the early game and also gives Mana and HP regen. The most suitable shoes for Lina is Arcane Boots. This item gives Mana Regen and movement speed.

Middle Game Item Build
Veil of Discord Dagon
Veil of Discord - Dagon

Both items that must you have in the middle game is Veil of Discord and Dagon. Veil of Discord is items that can reduce resistance in the area by 25%. When combined with spell combo you have, it will produce something extraordinary. Dagon is a cheap item that can add high damage. This item fits all combined with skill Lina have.

Late Game Item Build
Kelens Dagger
Kelen’s Dagger

This item is useful for pursuing fleeing enemy so that you can more freely use skill to kill. This item can also be used to avoid enemy attacks because Lina is a hero who has a low statistics and will most likely be targeted by the enemy.

Luxury Item Build

  • Aghanim’s Scepter – This item can be Improve Lina ultimate up the damage is established will be larger.
  • Orchid Malevolence – this item gives additional attack speed and Mana Regen. If lina already have these items, then the Mana needs are met to use the whole skill combos.
  • Lothar’s Edge – This item can facilitate the use of Light Strike Array skill.

How to Play Lina Inverse

Lina is a hero who has the nuke skill extremely dangerous therefore needs to be master the skill combos correctly when attacking enemies that are not in vain. How to use Lina Inverse is as follows.

First, look for a target that has thin HP. Calculate advance that the enemy will die if exposed to combo spell that Lina embarked. Use Light Strike Array right into the enemy then use Dragon Slave and Laguna Blade. If the enemy is not dead, use Kelen's Dagger to approach and attack using Dagon to death.

Combo Skills:
Light Strike Array – Laguna Blade – Dragon Slave – Kelen’s Dagger – Dagon

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Shadow Demon Item Build

Dota Hero Item Build Eredar (Shadow Demon). Eredar is an intelligence hero who has a role as support in team. It has stacking skill are very sick in the early game and therefore it is not uncommon to get first blood. Eredar skills is unique, it can create illusion of enemy and itself. It has amplified skill that randomly effect selected. This damage of this skill calculated based on a percentage, so this skill is very useful in late game for your team.

Dota Hero Item Build Eredar (Shadow Demon)

Shadow Demon Hero Statistic
Shadow Demon Item Build
Name: Eredar
Affiliation: INT Scourge
Strength: 17 + 1.9
Agility: 18 + 2.2
Intelligence: 23 + 2.7
HP: 473
HP Regen: 0.76
Mana: 338
Mana Regen: 1.05
Damage: 53 - 57
Armor: 3
Attack Range: 500
Attack Animation: 0.35 / 0.5
Missile Speed: 900 Range/second
Move Speed: 295
Sight Range: 1800 / 800

Skill Build for Shadow Demon
1. Shadow Poison
2. Disruption
3. Shadow Poison
4. Soul Catcher
5. Shadow Poison
6. Demonic Purge
7. Shadow Poison
8. Soul Catcher
9. Soul Catcher
10. Soul Catcher
11. Disruption
12. Disruption
13. Disruption
14-23. Stats
24. Demonic Purge
25. Demonic Purge

Early Game Item Build
Null Talisman Empty Bottle Boots of Speed
Null Talisman - Empty Bottle - Boots of Speed

Eredar need to use skills it has more often so require a lot of Mana. Items in early game suitable to add Mana capacity is Empty Bottle and Null Talisman. Empty Bottle can also be used to regen HP so it can survive a long time in line. Boots of Speed can help you move faster in lane because these items increase the movement speed.

Middle Game Item Build
Mekans Boots of Travel
Mekans - Boots of Travel

Eredar is a support hero and requirement Mana has are met. Now you need to buy Mekans Item. This item serves to heal your team during war. Upgrade Boots of Speed into Boots of Travel so that you can teleport anywhere to support your team, defense and more.

Late Game Item Build
Shiva’s Guard
Shiva’s Guard

In the late game Eredar need more armor so you can buy Shiva’s Guard item. This item can reduce enemy attack speed so will be very useful for your team.

Luxury Item Build
  • Dagon – This item is suitable with amplify skill. This combo will result in a very sick damage to the enemies.
  • Linken Sphere – this item can block enemies spell so you can support team with quieter.
  • Eul Scepter – this item can be used to trap an enemy who wants to escape so your team can kill easily.

How to Play Shadow Demon

Shadow Demon is a support hero but also has potential kill in the game, especially in the early game. How to use the Shadow Demon is as follows.

First, find an enemy who has the thinnest HP and armor in the lane. Attack using Shadow Poison and if enemy HP is yellow wait for the right time for the next assault. At the time alone later use Disruption and Soul Cather that enemy affected amplify effect then use Demonic Purge to kill him. If the enemy is not dead, you can end it using Dagon.

Combo Skill:
Shadow Poison – Disruption – Soul Cather – Demonic Purge – Dagon

Monday, December 2, 2013

Zeus Item Build

Dota Hero Item Build Zeus (Lord of Olympia). Zeus is a hero that can kill enemies from distance. Some of its skill can be used to attack all enemies without having face to face. Zeus is type hero intelligence that has role as ganker, pusher and nuker. He also has the most active nuke skill with a cooldown about 1.75 seconds.

Dota Hero Item Build Zeus (Lord of Olympia)

Zeus Hero Statistic
zeus item build
Name: Zeus
Affiliation: INT Sentinel
Strength: 19 + 2.3
Agility: 11 + 1.2
Intelligence: 20 + 2.7
HP: 511
HP Regen: 0.82
Mana: 260
Mana Regen: 0.81
Damage: 41- 49
Armor: 2.1
Move Speed: 295
Range: 350
Attack Speed: 1.44
Missile Speed: 1100
Sight Range: 1800/800

Skill Build for Zeus
1. Arc Lightning
2. Static Field
3. Lightning Bolt
4. Lightning Bolt
5. Lightning Bolt
6. Thundergod`s Wrath
7. Lightning Bolt
8. Static Field
9. Static Field
10. Static Field
11. Thundergod`s Wrath
12-15. Stats
16. Thundergod`s Wrath
17-22. Stats
23-25. Arc Lightning

Early Game Item Build
Null Talisman Empty Bottle Boots of Speed
Null Talisman - Empty Bottle - Boots of Speed

Zeus needs a lot of Mana to use the skills. Null Talisman adding Mana capacity so you can buy 2 in early game. Empty Bottle is an item that serves to Mana and HP regen. These items are very useful when you need HP and Mana. Empty Bottle can also be used to take the Power Up that will be fully charged again. Boots of Speed to increase movement speed so you can move freely in the line.

Middle Game Item Build
Arcane Boots Dagon
Arcane Boots - Dagon

The most suitable shoes that you use are Arcane Boots. This item can increase the Mana capacity so Zeus easier using skills they have. Use Dagon to kill enemies that have thin HP quickly.

Late Game Item Build
Guinsoo Schyte of Vyse
Guinsoo Schyte of Vyse

In game you will be targeted by enemies because you are very weak. To increase defense and add Mana capacity the item are suitable to be purchased is Guinsoo Schyte of Vyse. This item can be used to hex the enemy so you have a chance to escape when you are in a bad situation.

Luxury Item Build
  • Refresher’s ORB – this item is a luxury item for zeus because it can refresh all the skills that have been used.
  • Aghanim’s Scepter – this item can improve your skills, especially to increase the damage.
  • Linken’s Sphere – This item is useful for improving defenses against enemy spells and also adds Mana regen.

How to Play Zeus

Zeus is a hero who has skills with great damage. It was able to make the enemy doesn’t escape when the fight. How to use Zeus is as follow.

Look out enemy in line that has thin capacity HP and then use Arc Lightning skill to last hit creeps at once attacked the enemy hero. If the enemy HP is yellow, use Lightning Bolt and Dagon to kill. If the enemy is not dead, use Thundergod's Wrath skill to end it.

Combo Skills:
Arc Lightning – Lightning Bolt – Dagon – Thundergod’s Wrath