Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Lion Item Build

Dota Hero Item Build Lion (Demon Witch). Lion has a very important role in a team. He has two roles that can be build from the beginning of the game is a ganker or support. He can survive long in the lane with the skills they have. Two skill disable very useful to hunt down and kill the enemy. In addition, it is also a very useful skill to support your team in battle. He has a very large damage and can kill enemies instantly in lane.

Dota Hero Item Build Lion (Demon Witch)

Lion Hero Statistic
Lion Item Build
Name: Lion
Affiliation: INT Scourge
Strength: 16 + 1.7
Agility: 15 + 1.5
Intelligence: 22 + 3
HP: 454
HP Regen: 0.73
Mana: 286
Mana Regen: 0.89
Damage: 42 - 48
Armor: 1.1
Move speed: 290
Range: 600
Missile Speed: 900
Sight Range: 1800/800

Skill Build for Lion

Ganker Build Support Build
1. Impale
2. Voodoo
3. Impale
4. Voodoo
5. Impale
6. Finger of Death
7. Impale
8. Voodoo
9. Voodoo
10. Mana Drain
11. Finger of Death
12. Mana Drain
13. Mana Drain
14. Mana Drain
15. Stats
16. Finger of Death
17-25. Stats
1. Impale
2. Mana Drain
3. Impale
4. Mana Drain
5. Impale
6. Finger of Death
7. Impale
8. Voodoo
9. Voodoo
10. Voodoo
11. Finger of Death
12. Voodoo
13. Mana Drain
14. Mana Drain
15. Stats
16. Finger of Death
17-25. Stats

Early Game Item Build
Bracer Boot of Speed Empty Bottle Sentry Ward Observe Ward
Boot of Speed
Empty Bottle
Sentry Ward
Observe Ward

You HP and Damage very little so buy Bracer to cover those needs. Movement Speed that you have is not much that you are very slow in the lane. To overcome this then buys Boot of Speed. Empty Bottle is very useful for "hero who has the potential ganking". Ward is useful to look at power up and hunt enemies who are Juggling.

Middle Game Item Build
Power Threads Force Staff
Power Threads
Force Staff

Power Threads add your STR during in the lane. Force Staff can increase your HP and Mana. In addition, this item can also be used to escape from the pursuit of the enemy.

Late Game Item Build
Guinsoo Schyte of Vyse Boot of Travel
Guinsoo Schyte of Vyse
Boot of Travel

You are a hero disabler so these items to make yourself a real disabler. This item also increase the capacity of HP and mana regen. Because you have an important role in the team, so you need the Boot of Travel to help your team.

Luxury Item Build
  1. Veil of Discord
  2. Eul Scepter of Divinity
  3. Aghanim’s Scepter

How to Play Lion

Lion is very useful to help the team to win. He is required to inhibit the growth of the enemy carry hero. Lion is very easy to use for both the war 5 vs. 5 or by one. How to use Lion is as follows.

The first to make use Impale stun enemies, when it hit in a row. Use Voodoo to disable and hit again while absorbing enemies Mana use Mana Drain. If the blood of the enemy is under 800, use Finger of Death to kill him.

If you are a support in the team, open war with disable enemy being targeted by your team, so that your team can attack freely to death. DZQTPCHC6WTW


Written by : Unknown // 2:56 AM

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