Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Rooftrellen Item Build

Dota Hero Item Build Rooftrellen (Treant Protector). Rooftrellen is a hero strength that can near the tree invisible enemy in sight. He is the Father of Nature to form a very large old trees and strong. He has the ability to add HP regen for her and also give bonus armor to all units Tower. Skill most support for the team is overgrowth. Skill was able to disable all of the enemies in the area of 625.

Dota Hero Item Build Rooftrellen (Treant Protector)

Rooftrellen Hero Statistic
Rooftrellen Item Build

Name: Rooftrellen
Affiliation: STR Sentinel
Strength: 25 + 3.3
Agility: 15 + 2
Intelligence: 17 + 1.8
HP: 663
HP Regen: 1.06
Mana: 221
Mana Regen : 0.69
Damage: 81 - 89
Armor: 1.1
Move speed: 300
Range: 128 (melee)
Attack Speed : 1.48
Missile Speed: Instant
Sight Range: 1800 / 1200

Skill Build for Rooftrellen
1. Nature`s Guise
2. Living Armor
3. Leech Seed
4. Leech Seed
5. Leech Seed
6. Overgrowth
7. Leech Seed
8. Living Armor
9. Living Armor
10. Living Armor
11. Overgrowth
12. Nature`s Guise
13. Nature`s Guise
14. Nature`s Guise
15. Stats
16. Overgrowth
17-25. Stats

Early Game Item Build
Magic Wand Boot of Speed
Magic Wand
Boot of Speed

Rooftrellen requires a lot of Mana to use the skills they have. Therefore, you need a Magic Wand to add Mana and HP. Boot of Speed makes it easier to move in the lane.

Middle Game Item Build
Power Threads Radiance
Power Threads

The most suitable shoes for you are Power Threads. This shoe will add attack speed, movement speed so it is very useful for attacking enemies who are affected by overgrowth.

Late Game Item Build
Assault Cuirass Refresher ORB Vanguard
Assault Cuirass
Refresher ORB

Assault Cuirass beneficial to reduce the enemy armor that can be seen when the enemy hit by overgrowth. Vanguard makes you stronger so it is not easily killed when war. Refresher ORB serves to refresh the skills that you have, so you can use your skills as much as 2 times.

Luxury Item Build
  1. Necronomicon
  2. Hand of Midas
  3. Kelen’s Dagger
  4. Hood of Deviance
  5. The Butterfly

How to Play Rooftrellen

Rooftrellen very simple to use to fight the enemy. To use it, it is necessary to understand the skills they have it right. If you already know, combine with existing items. How to use this is as follows Rooftrellen.

Use Nature's Guise to invisible and approach your targeted enemy team. Use overgrowth to disable enemies so you and "your team" can be easily attacked. During the attack, use ORB Refresher to refresh your skills. Use overgrowth again to disable and attack freely with "your team". Use Leech Seed to kill the enemy.


Written by : Unknown // 8:20 PM

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