Dota Hero Item Build Pit Lord (Azgalor). Pit Lord is a leader who leads wars with smart and his team. He was able to trap the enemy in a dangerous area. By the time the enemy is trapped in the area, Pit Lord issued a Firestorm that can burn enemies in the area. Disable the area that he had very useful to facilitate team attack the enemy. Pit Lord was fit to be the leader of war because it could harm a group of friends to a creep or a specific area in a way teleport.
Dota Hero Item Build Pit Lord (Azgalor)
Pit Lord Hero Statistic
Name: Azgalor
Affiliation: STR Scourge
Strength: 25 + 2.6
Agility: 12 + 1.3
Intelligence: 17 + 2.6
HP: 625
HP Regen: 1.0
Mana: 221
Mana Regen: 0.69
Damage: 62 - 68
Armor: 3.7
Attack Range: 100 (melee)
Attack Speed: 0.66
Attack Animation: 0.45 / 0.7
Missile Speed: Instant
Move speed: 305
Sight Range: 1800 / 800
Skill Build for Pit Lord
1. Firestorm
2. Pit of Malice
3. Firestorm
4. Pit of Malice
5. Firestorm
6. Dark Rift
7. Firestorm
8. Pit of Malice
9. Pit of Malice
10. Expulsion
11. Dark Rift
12. Expulsion
13. Expulsion
14. Expulsion
15. Stats
16. Dark Rift
17-25. Stats
Early Game Item Build

Magic Wand
Empty Bottle
Boot of Speed
Magic Wand is able to meet the needs of your Mana and HP against the enemy. Empty bottle is very useful to increase HP and Mana. It can also be used to save power up. Boot of Speed adds movement speed in the lane so that makes you move freely.
Middle Game Item Build

Guinsoo Schyte of Vyse
Boots of Travel
Guinsoo Schyte of Vyse making capacity Mana which you have never run out so you will be free to use the skills that you have. This item also can make enemies into chickens so you will be easier to kill him. Upgrade your boots into Boots of Travel so that you can help your team wherever located. Your Skill teleport has cooldown long so you need boots of travel items.
Late Game Item Build

Shiva’s Guard
Shiva's Guard is also adding capacity Mana making supplies which you have not been exhausted. This item is also able to make the area so it is very slow synergy with the skill that you have. Radiance will make your trap enemies stuck dying quickly.
Luxury Item Build
- Heart of Tarasque
- Assault Cuirass
- Linken Sphere
How to Play Pit Lord
Pit Lord is the hero who is able to bring a bunch of creeps or team into a place to attack the enemy simultaneously. Therefore, he is a hero disabler support that has an important role in team. Pit Lord is also very easy to use, how to use it is as follows.
Support your team in battle using disabler skill you possess. Also use Firestorm and Atrophy Aura to attack a group of enemies that are stuck in your disabler. If there is a swarm of enemies who want to try to push the same tower, Bring a group of your friends use Dark Rift then disabler bunch of enemies in order to free your team to attack.
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