Monday, August 19, 2013

Sven Item Build

Dota Hero Item Build Sven (Rogue Knight). Sven is a famous hero with the king of strength because it has a skill that makes it very strong. He became so powerful because he gets bonus armor very much. In addition to Armor, Damage cans its multiplying. He also has a Strom Bold is useful to disable the enemy. Hero is suitable for Ganking, chasing an enemy that has a bit of HP in early game. If build correctly this hero into a powerful hero in the late game.

Dota Hero Item Build Sven (Rogue Knight)

Sven Hero Statistic
Sven Item Build
Name: Sven
Affiliation: Sentinel
Strength: 23 + 2.7
Agility: 16 + 2
Intelligence: 14 + 1.3
Damage: 54 - 56
Armor: 1.2
HP: 587
Mana: 182
Move speed: 295
Range: 125 (melee)
Attack Time: 1.47 (+16%)

Skill Build for Sven
1. Storm Bolt
2. Stats
3. Storm Bolt
4. Stats
5. Storm Bolt
6. God Strength
7. Storm Bolt
8. Warcry
9. Great Cleave
1. Great Cleave
11. God Strength
12. Great Cleave
13. Great Cleave
14. Warcry
15. Warcry
16. God Strength
17. Warcry
18-25. Stats

Early Game Item Build
Soul Ring Magic Wand Power Threads
Soul Ring
Magic Wand
Power Threads

Soul Ring can add Mana so you can use the Stun with more often. Sven suitable for Ganking so you have to bring the Magic Wand which serves to add Mana and HP. Power Threads adding Attack Speed and Movement Speed so that you can attack enemies more quickly and make the move more freely in the lane.

Middle Game Item Build
Mask of Death Black King Bar
Mask of Death
Black King Bar

Mask of Death makes you produce lifesteal so your attack to the enemy will add your HP. To facilitate activities of ganking, you need items Black King Bar which serves to deter enemy attack within a few seconds. If you already have these items, you will feel freer to fight the enemy.

Late Game Item Build
Mask of Madness Buriza do Kyanon
Mask of Madness
Buriza do Kyanon

Mask of Madness gives Attack Speed bonus is very high so you are easier to kill the enemy. You have the damage that high of God's Strength so that you can add and multiply with items Buriza do Kyanon. If you already have these items, you can kill enemies with just a few attacks.

Luxury Item Build
  • Heart of Tarasque
  • Kelen’s Dagger
  • Monkey King Bar
  • Battle Fury

How to Play Sven

Sven is a hero that is suitable for ganking. If item is needed is already owned then it becomes very easy to use to kill the enemy. How to use Sven is as follows.

First, came from behind the enemy then use God's Strength Skill and attack the enemy. If enemy tries to run away, use the Storm Bold to disable enemies with Stun. At that time, attack the enemy quickly with Mask of Madness.


Written by : Unknown // 10:05 PM

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